Kit Boyd

Kit's work follows in the British romantic tradition and has a strong affinity with the neo-romantic artists of the 1940's and with Samuel Palmer and the ancients.

The theme of my work is our relationship with nature. Landscape for me is often a protective space, an escape or a safe environment away from the demands of the modern world, just as Palmer escaped the incursions of the industrial revolution into his patch of south London by escaping to Shoreham in Kent in the 1820's.

I'm interested in the sense of mystery that lies beyond our surface appreciation of the world, the moments of heightened perception that can come upon you when you are out alone in a landscape, the silent calling of a distant wood on a hill, the unknowable histories hidden beneath your feet and the secretive domains of flora and fauna.

Kit shows with galleries across the UK including Greenwich Printmakers and the Printmakers Council.

He has been selected for The National Open , The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, The Masters at Bankside Gallery, ING Discerning Eye, & The Etchings of Samuel Palmer, his Peers and Followers at the Court Barn Museum in Oxfordshire.

He had a solo show World in my Eyes at the Barbican in 2013.